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Alkaline Ionized Water India

Alkaline Ionized Water India Alkaline Water Ionizer In a world full of pollution and impurities, it becomes difficult to trust anything that vouches for itself to be pure. The same goes for potable water, as these days it is hard to trust brands that boast about providing water that is safe to consume. Impurities in water have led to various diseases that people face, and hence it is imperative to uplift the quality of one of the basic things required to survive: water. If we talk about the water composition in a human body, an average human body is composed of about 70% water. Keeping this anatomy into consideration, the ideal water intake for males is about 3.7 liters, while that for females is 2.7 liters per day, including the water contained in the food they consume. Infants are born with a pH level of 7.4, which means that their pH levels are highly alkaline. Healthy pH level ranges between 7 and 7.5, while a pH of 6.5 is considered to be a minimum requirement. If

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