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10 Benefits of Kangen Alkaline Water

10 Benefits of Kangen Alkaline Water

Did you know that drinking mineralized alkaline water can improve your overall health more than tap water? There are many amazing benefits to drinking mineralized alkaline water, including balancing your pH levels, strengthening the immune system and preventing the development of diseases.

The body fights every day to maintain a balance between acid and alkaline. External factors like stress, poor sleep quality, and acidic foods, force your body to work harder to maintain that balance. It does this by drawing out minerals and vitamins from the bones, organs, and tissues, thus reducing the power of the immune system and exposing the body to the onset of illness. However, the good news is that drinking mineralized alkaline water can help to maintain a healthy alkaline balance in the body.

The most sustainable way to drink mineralized alkaline water daily is by using an alkaline water filter. Kangen offers mineralized alkaline filtration through its range of pitchers, water bottle sticks and pouches, and premium countertop and dispenser systems.

Here are 10 more amazing benefits of drinking mineralized alkaline water:

10 Benefits of Alkaline Water

1. Kangen Alkaline Water Is Derived From Minerals, Not Electricity

There are two ways to make water alkaline. The first is through minerals and the second is through electricity. Electricity can be used to change the water molecules from negative to positive so that the water becomes alkaline, however, this way is unnatural, artificial and not as beneficial. Alkalizing through minerals, on the other hand, is a natural process. In nature, fresh water runs down river rock beds, where the water picks up natural minerals and turns the water alkaline (1). All of Kangen’s products mimic natural processes to create alkaline water.

2. Kangen Alkaline Water Contains Powerful Antioxidants

Antioxidants are powerful bodies that fight free radicals that can potentially harm the immune system. We are exposed to free radicals often, through pollution, smoke, cleaning products and artificial foods. That is why we need antioxidants daily to eliminate free radicals in the body. Drinking mineralized alkaline water is a great source of daily antioxidants (2).

3. Kangen Alkaline Water Boosts the Immune System

By consistently keeping your body in a state of alkaline, you will have a stronger immune system. Drinking mineralized alkaline water balances pH levels and helps to fight free radicals, which are both very important in maintaining overall health and keeping the immune system functioning optimally.

4. Kangen Alkaline Water Promotes Hydration

One of the many benefits of alkaline water is better hydration. This is most important for athletes who require optimal hydration. Alkaline water has a smaller molecular content, allowing it to be more easily absorbed by the body. There are also more ionized minerals in alkaline water, which promotes better blood and oxygen circulation.

5. Kangen Alkaline Water Helps Detoxification

By drinking mineralized alkaline water, you are encouraging your body to flush away toxins and chemicals. Drinking copious amounts of water each day is vital for overall health and the detoxification process.

6. Kangen Alkaline Water Balances the Body’s pH Levels 

The body is constantly trying to maintain the alkaline balance of the blood. However, when the body is too acidic, it puts stress on other areas of the body to maintain the balance. An acidic body can cause many health problems, including disease, cell malformation, and acid reflux. Most diets today are full of acidic foods and therefore it is very important to combat acid through drinking alkaline water. Mineralized alkaline water will neutralize the acid levels in the body, thus balancing your pH levels (3).

7. Kangen Alkaline Water Eliminates Undesirables 

An alkaline water filter not only balances your pH levels and alkalizes your body, but it also removes harmful agents found in tap water. Filters can remove micro-plastics, fluoride, chlorine, rust, sediments, bacteria, parasites, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, trihalomethanes, heavy metals, organic chemicals, particulates, odors and tastes (4).

8. Kangen Alkaline Water Can Help You Lose Weight

An acidic body, caused by ingesting the average diet consisting of artificial junk foods, is more likely to put on weight because it is not digesting food properly. An acidic body creates more fat cells than an alkaline body. Alkaline water neutralizes the acid in the body, reducing the production of fat cells. Plus if you watch what you eat, exercise and drink alkaline water, you will be well on your way to reaching your weight loss goals. 9. Mineralized Alkaline Water Can Help Reduce Acid RefluxMany people suffer from acid reflux or heartburn. Research has shown that alkaline water can reduce the acid build up in the stomach, thus reducing the burning sensation. Alkaline water also activates the enzyme pepsin, which can combat reflux (5). Through a healthy diet and drinking alkaline water, acid reflux can be eliminated.

10. Save Money!

The purchase of a Kangen alkaline water filter is much cheaper than other products on the market. Consider the cost of purchasing vitamin and mineral supplements for the whole family. This is much more expensive than an alkaline water filtration system. In the end, can you really put a price on your health?

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